

The Air League has published its vision for the United Kingdom’s aviation priorities as the government continues Brexit negotiations with its European counterparts. It believes that achieving the right result for the UK’s aerospace and air transport sectors is vital for the nation’s future prosperity.

The aviation society says working within the European Union’s (EU) framework has helped both sectors to develop and prosper with a minimum of cross-border restrictions, while operating to common standards and facilitating market access free from customs and tariff restrictions. As the negotiating teams face the unenviable task of unpicking 45 years of legislation, The Air League is encouraging the government to retain as many of these benefits post-Brexit as it possibly can.

In support of its views, it has drafted two papers outlining the main implications of Brexit on UK aerospace and aviation, highlighting the significant issues that need to be addressed. But it is also pragmatic enough to realise that at this early stage there are few answers, instead it has identified the questions it believes should be asked.

The papers reveal: “Total annual UK exports to th…

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