From Dubai to the World

Airliner World’s Gordon Smith speaks with Nabil Sultan, Emirates’ divisional senior vice president of cargo to learn how the Dubai-based carrier pivoted its flight operations to focus on freight.

Emirates is no stranger to carrying cargo. Even taking its successful freighter operations out of the mix, in normal times the company moves thousands of tonnes of freight each day in the belly of its vast fleet of passenger aircraft. For you it might be a trip from Birmingham to Dubai and onwards to Melbourne, but for the stilton in the cargo hold, it could be a trip from the West Midlands to the Middle East and onwards to the global cheese lovers of Tokyo, São Paulo or Cape Town.

Despite having decades of experience, it took a monumental effort from the Emirates team to backfill the capacity deficit left by the collapse of the company’s regular flying schedule.

Speaking to Airliner World from Dubai, Nabil Sultan, Emirates’ divisional senior vice president of cargo, explained how the carrier sprang into action: “When we suspended our passenger operations, we had to put together a cargo network using our freighters and some of our passenger aircraft. When we embarked on this pro…

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