Forecasting Thunder: An overview of the JF-17 Block III

While the JF-17 has come of age in the combat theatre, it has yet to record any major successes in the export market. Sqn Ldr (Ret’d) Fahad Masood (MRAeS) charts the development of the light fighter and explores how the new Block III standard could help to expand the aircraft’s customer base in the coming years.

‘Scramble! Angels 1-4-0! Initial Vector 1-5-0!’ The command was still ringing in the pilot’s mind as he strapped into his Martin-Baker PK16LE ejection seat. He glanced through his custom-fitted helmet-mounted display (HMD) to confirm the removal of seeker covers of all the missiles on board his Block III JF-17. Two high-off boresight (HOBS) PL-10E shortrange infrared (IR)-homing air-to-air missiles (AAMs) on the side rails. Check. Four PL-15 active radar-guided long-range AAMs on multiple missile launchers (MMLs). Check.

After making the aircraft ‘battle-ready’ following a brisk engine start and taxiing out, the pilot co-ordinated with air traffic control and his radar. Alongside his wingman, they lined up on the runway, engaged afterburners and – with 19,000lbf behind them – were boring holes through the sky in no time. This scenario is set to be acted out in a few months time, when Block III JF-17s, with new Chinese…

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