The IAC’s new MPA C-295's and the potential for a fleet of three

On April 22, images emerged via the Irish Air Corps (IAC) of one of its two new Airbus Defence C-295W Persuader aircraft rolling off the paint line at Airbus’ facility in Seville, Spain.

The Irish Air Corps maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) replacement programme commenced in late 2017 with a contract being placed with Airbus Defence and Space in 2019 for the provision of two C-295W maritime surveillance aircraft.  The first aircraft, c/n 211, serial 284 displays a dark grey paint scheme, like that of Ireland's fleet of Pilatus PC-12NG Spectre aircraft, and unlike its current pair of CN235 which have a bright blue paint scheme. C/n 211 is scheduled to be handed over to the IAC late in the first quarter of 2023 with the second, c/n 216, scheduled to arrive three months later.

In addition to the two already on order, and following the recommendations provided in this year’s report from the commission on the future of the Irish Defence Forces, there are plans for the procurement of a dedicated transport aircraft capable of reaching overseas mission areas in West Africa and the Middle East.  While no official decision on this procurement has been made, Key.Aero was informed that there are multiple ways to address the require…

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