The Douglas DC-8 introduced jet services to Trans-Canada Air Lines and opened up new routes across the country and the world. The rebranding of the airline as Air Canada refl ected this expansion, writes Barry Lloyd.

Despite being one of the world’s largest countries by area, Canada is not densely populated. This meant that the demand for internal air services was not as pronounced as that of its southern neighbour, and domestic routes did not develop rapidly until jets were introduced in the early 1960s. The development of civil aviation in the country was also shaped by its rugged terrain, extreme variations in climate and the distances between the principal cities. Montreal and Vancouver are more than 3,000 miles (4,828km) apart and overland transport between them typically takes several days.

Trans-Canada Air Lines (TCA) was founded in 1937, with Lockheed 10s and 14s. Surplus Douglas C-47s opened new routes immediately after World War Two, followed in 1947 by the Canadair North Star, a version of the DC-4 with Rolls-Royce Merlin engines. It was the introduction of jets to the longer routes that would revolutionise air transport in Canada.

TCA ordered Douglas 11 DC-8- 40s, but the initial examples …

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