The Marina Militare (Italian Navy) has been operating the SH-90A since 2011 and the complementary MH-90A since 2017. Both these helicopters have heralded a huge leap forward in capability for this naval air arm.

THE NHINDUSTRIES SH-90A has brought rotary aviation into a whole new era of technology for Italy. As well as fly-by-wire controls, data flows through the helicopter like blood through veins — in this case being channeled through a dual MIL-STD-1553B databus and an impressive central mission computer. Based on the troublesome NH-90 — many of its mission systems are bespoke to each customer — this is an advanced yet complex helicopter. The airframe relies heavily on carbon fiber, the exterior coatings are Nomex — it’s a wonder of sophistication.

The SH-90 was designed to operate in all weathers, in icing conditions, at night — you name it. As a naval variant of the baseline NH-90 it features auto-folding main rotor blades, a clever ‘harpoon’ deck locking system, which fastens it to a ship after touchdown, and a raft of missionized kit. The Marina Militare (Italian Navy) began training pilots and crew members on the SH-90A in late 2011, shortly after delivery of the first hel…

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