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COVID-19 may be top of every agenda, but the focus on pandemic proofing facilities doesn’t mean that airports are dropping the ball when it comes to other important issues – security least of all. Here we look at some of the latest developments in the airport security sector

Singapore security upgrade 

Singapore’s Changi Airport Group has awarded a three-year contract to Montréal-based Genetec for the upgrade and enhancement of its security system. The work is due to be completed by the end of 2023 and will see Genetec Security Center, a unified security platform that blends IP security systems within a single intuitive interface, underpinning the airport’s security operations, with a specific focus on the video surveillance system across its terminals. The contract was awarded to Genetec following a competitive tender process.

“Increasingly, our airport customers are understanding the deep business insights Security Center is capable of delivering, its ability to inform and create value for multiple areas of an airport business operation and improve the overall passenger and employee experience,” said Giovanni Taccori, commercial lead transportation, APAC at Genetec.


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