Strength in unity

T-Systems and Frequentis have joined forces to drive digital transformation, helping airports boost both their flexibility and their resilience, as Edgar Ziller and Karl Fesl explain

The entire aviation industry has suffered monumental losses over the past two years, and it will require significantly more than just returning passengers for it to recoup the shortfalls. Reducing airport operator costs will not be enough–airports need to look at becoming more flexible, efficient and resilient if they are to even survive.

In Europe, the industry had been struggling with performance and delays for decades. The lack of air travel during the COVID-19 pandemic has also led to a knowledge loss at airports due to staff cutbacks, adding to the challenge. For airports to fully recover, the focus must be on innovative processes and technology that will allow them to improve resource allocation and streamline operations.

For this, digitisation is key. It is clear that this will be a continuous process for airport operators and other stakeholders. The ability to adapt to unpredictable circumstances and potential crises is mandatory. Airport operators need to transform their organisations to the 'new normal',…

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