Boeing and its partner Saab won the USAF’s advanced jet trainer competition with an all-new aircraft, which smashed cost expectations and met performance requirements. The program has set a new benchmark in military procurement — but how did it do it?

WHEN THE US Air Force first set out its T-X trainer requirement to ultimately replace the T-38 Talon, everyone knew that cost was going to be a major driving force behind a decision. As contractors lined up their offerings, Boeing boldly stated that it would put forward a brand-new, ‘cleansheet’ aircraft. As far back as 2012 it was adamant that the competition could only be won by building a new type that was specifically designed to fit the stringent requirements, and which also won on cost.

The USAF’s statement on September 27 that Boeing’s aircraft was the winner of T-X endorsed that long-held vision, a vision many thought was simply unattainable. ‘Today’s announcement is the culmination of years of unwavering focus by the Boeing and Saab team,’ said Leanne Caret, president and CEO of Boeing Defense, Space and Security.

Boeing’s partnership with Saab of Sweden was significant in ensuring it could smash previous cost models when i…

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