View from the cockpit


The Rotodyne could operate in two basic modes. Relying on its rotor for control and, with engine power providing thrust for forward flight, it was a pure helicopter, but with no direct drive to the rotor and forward thrust provided by the propellers, it was an autogyro.

The take-off sequence was initiated by starting the engines and engaging their auxiliary compressors to enable air to flow to the tip-jets. The rotor was then allowed to accelerate to the normal light-up speed of 100rpm. With fuel cocks and ignition selected on, light-up generally took five to 10 seconds to achieve. With the tip-jets burning the rotor could then be accelerated to flight speed of 140rpm.

“ It achieved forward flight like a helicopter, with the tip-jets powering the rotor which was controlled through the collective and cyclic”

Taking off in helicopter mode meant that, with the rotor powered by the tip-jets, the pilot was controlling the aircraft in pitch, roll and hover using the cyclic pitch control. Lift control was maintained through the collective pitch lever, and yaw control through differential propeller pitch.

Once airborne the Rotodyne could achieve forward flight like a helicopter, with th…

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