Airliner aerobatics: Watch Farnborough Airshow display highlights

Watch the Boeing 777X, 737 MAX 10, Embraer E190-E2 and Airbus A350 wow crowds during the second day of the Farnborough International Airshow.

Against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, four next-generation airliners wowed crowds gathered at the Farnborough International Airshow this week.

In the searing heat of the afternoon sun (and near 40C temperatures), the Boeing 777X, 737 MAX 10, Embraer E190-E2 and Airbus A350 were among the aircraft put through their paces performing aerobatic manoeuvres including zoom climbs, steep turns and slow-speed flight.


Making its UK debut, the Boeing 777X pleased crowds with its party trick-like folding wing tips. A take-off with a zoom climb to gain altitude followed before the American widebody looped around for a series of flybys.

The jet, N779XW (c/n 64240) then performed its signature move – first seen at the Dubai Airshow in November last year – which is a wing over like manoeuvre that gives the impression the airliner has banked beyond 90 degrees.

The ten-minute-long display concluded just as it had begun with the folding wing tips retracting back into position.


European airframer Airbus displayed its Airbus A350 and began the display in a similar fashion to others with a zoom climb.

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