What is the current state of Taiwan's ageing F-5 Tiger II fleet?

After almost 60 years of service, the Republic of China Air Force’s F-5s are due to be phased out. Air Forces Monthly examines the impact the jet has had in ensuring the defence of the island nation

The Republic of China Air Force (RoCAF) has flown the largest number of Northrop F-5 series fighters. From 1965 to the present day, as many as 515 F-5 series fighters have been used, including 118 F-5A/B Freedom Fighter fighters, 61 T-38A trainers, and 336 F-5E/F Tiger II fighters, seven of which are RF-5E Tigergazer reconnaissance fighters.

During the F-5 series’ service in the Taiwanese air force, they have witnessed precarious diplomatic relations and the development of the aviation industry of the Republic of China. These aircraft will be replaced by Taiwan-made T-BE-5A Brave Eagle Advanced Jet Trainers, and are expected to be fully decommissioned in 2024.


In 1965, Taiwan and the United States (US) agreed to use the Military Assistance Program (MAP) and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route, under Project Yushan, to deliver F-5A/Bs to the Republic of China Air Force (RoCAF). They would replace some F-86F Sabre fighters to defend Taiwan’s airspace and become one of the main fighters of the air force. Project Yu Shan provided a tot…

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