Where's Boeing going?

Airliner World’s Gordon Smith sat down with Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketing at Boeing Commercial Airplanes for a wide-ranging discussion covering everything from the MAX to turboprops.

Even the most level-headed of analysts will tell you that no company in the aviation sector is going to come out of COVID-19 particularly well, if indeed they make it out at all. Yet long before most of us had even heard of Wuhan, let alone the coronavirus, there was one big player whose name was already synonymous with crisis and catastrophe.

In the space of just a few weeks in spring 2019, The Boeing Company pivoted from hero to hermit as investigations – and the subsequent grounding – of the 737 MAX fleet raised troubling questions about the priorities and procedures at the Chicago-based aerospace giant. A year on, nothing has changed, but everything has changed. If you thought 2019 represented ‘business as unusual’ for commercial aviation, you haven’t seen anything yet.

While we stagger through the worst crisis in the history of flight, it pays to take stock and gather the insight of an industry veteran. Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketing at Boeing Commercial Airplanes is one such figure. Having j…

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