Avro Shackleton

Thumbnail Feature Premium

Avro Shackleton AEW.2 - Cold War ‘Sentinel’

Group Captain David Greenway (ret’d), a former Shackleton pilot and commanding officer of 8 Squadron, talks to Dr Kevin Wright about the Shackleton AEW.2 in RAF service.

Fundraiser to move Shackleton to Elvington

A fundraising drive to move Avro Shackleton WR963 to Yorkshire Air Museum is making good progress – but still needs support

Conservation work begins on Newark Shackleton

Newark Air Museum’s magnificent Avro Shackleton is set to receive restorative work this summer

No 8 Squadron veterans salute lost Shackleton crew

Loss of WR965 commemorated at International Bomber Command Centre

Feature Premium

Did you know the Shackleton was used in combat?

Although primarily intended as a maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine aircraft, the Shackleton became an increasingly important contributor to local policing issues in several trouble spots around the world. Malcolm V Lowe looks at some of these lesser-known aspects of the Shackleton’s career…

Feature Premium

Mighty Avro Shackleton - a Cold War legend

Affectionately known as the ‘Growler’, Avro’s mighty Shackleton served in a variety of roles for the RAF at the height of the Cold War. 

Shackleton for Yorkshire Air Museum

Avro Shackleton MR.2 WR963 will be transported by road from Coventry Airport to Elvington’s Yorkshire Air Museum next year.

Campaigns launched to fund major Vulcan and Shackleton projects

Newark Air Museum has launched a pair of fundraising campaigns to assist with major restoration projects on two of its Avro airframes.

FlyPast Picture of the Week

This week's Picture of the Week was submitted by Brian Aitchison.

Newark Air Museum Vulcan News Premium

Change of ownership for Newark Air Museum's Shackleton and Vulcan

An agreement has been reached between Newark Air Museum (NAM) and the Lincolnshire’s Lancaster Association (LLA), that has resulted in the ownership of the Avro Shackleton, WR977 and the Avro Vulcan, XM594 being immediately transferred to NAM