Military Aviation & Aircraft

Key.Aero offers comprehensive and unparalleled coverage of the world’s air forces. Find out about the latest military and aerospace technology, view in-depth features on military conflicts, weaponry and exercises, read exclusive personnel interviews and enjoy superb colour photography by the world’s leading aviation photographers.

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Swedish Gripens latest road operations exercise

Alan Warnes headed to Sweden to see Swedish Air Force Gripens in action, flying from highways. Just as they did during the height of the Cold War all those years ago...

News Freemium

First combat-ready F-15EX Eagle II delivered to the USAF

The US Air Force received the first combat-ready Boeing F-15EX Eagle II on June 5, 2024.

News Premium

RAF’s first Wedgetail AEW1 breaks cover

The first of a current order of three E-7A Wedgetail AEW1 AEW&C aircraft that are set to join the RAF from 2025 was seen outside of STS Aviation Services’ hangar at Birmingham Airport in the West Midlands on May 29.

German Tornado unit planning to participate in Exercise Cobra Warrior

The RAF’s Exercise Cobra Warrior has attracted a wide range of participants and one of the most popular among enthusiasts has been German Air Force Tornados.

The Monday Military Quiz 199

Test your military aviation knowledge.

Feature Premium

Lessons learned: NATO’s Kosovo air campaign 25 years on

In the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO aircraft began attacking targets across Yugoslavia. Serbian forces withdrew from Kosovo three months later and 700,000 ethnic Albanian refugees returned home. Tim Ripley examines lessons learnt from Operation Allied Force

News Premium

End nears for German Navy Sea Kings

The Marineflieger (German Naval Air Arm) Marinefliegergeschwader 5 (MFG-5; Naval Air Wing 5) at Nordholz Air Base in northern Germany will formally bid farewell to its 17 remaining Sea King Mk 41 search-and-rescue (SAR) helicopters on August 31.

Luftwaffe flies first Heron TP

The Luftwaffe completed the maiden domestic flight of its first of five German Heron TP MALE UAVs on May 15, formally kicking off a six-month flight test campaign in Germany.

News Premium

RAF marks ten years of RC-135 Rivet Joint ops

To celebrate the first ten years of RC-135W Rivet Joint operations with No 51 Squadron in the intelligence-gathering role, the RAF conducted a series of commemorative flypasts over Lincolnshire to mark the milestone.

News Premium

South Africa retires Turbo Dakotas

While it has yet to be formally announced by the South African Air Force (SAAF), the air arm has decided to retire its surviving fleet of World War Two-era C-47TP Turbo Dakota light transports after 81 years of service. 

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The Latest Military Aviation News All in One Place

This is the only website you need for the latest in military aviation news and analysis with specialist webpages focusing on the fastest and largest aircraft in the world, the airforces and their pilots. From this central hub you can find links to the many categories of articles within Key.Aero that provide that in-depth coverage of military aviation. Learn about the varied facets of military aviation, its history and its fighters, transports and the airshows where they can all be seen on static display or in flying displays overhead.

Airforce and Military Aircraft News

All the latest news you will want to read about the airforces of the world, large and small can be found in this one place. The United States airforce, the Russian Federation airforce, the Republic of Korea airforce, and China’s People’s Liberation Army airforce, have some of the largest fleets in the world. The challenges that face these airforces, and others, range from the management of ageing fleets to working with industry to develop the latest aircraft technologies for the entry into service of fifth generation and stealth capable fighters and bombers.

See all the latest airforce news here

Military Fighters Aircraft and Combat Aircraft

Discover everything about the deadliest military fighter aircraft in the world in this section. Links to expert resources and articles can be found here for the fast jets from the world’s biggest manufacturers, Lockheed Martin, Russia’s Sukhoi Design Bureau, China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation, and the European consortium that is Eurofighter Typhoon. News and analysis of their aircrafts’ capabilities are easy to find along with comprehensive background information of the world’s key models and makes of fighter. The Mach 2 capable Boeing F-15 Strike Eagle air superiority fighter, able to intercept an enemy’s fighters at long range, the agile Sukhoi Su-35 designed to win up close engagements with its thrust vectoring; and the radar defeating stealth aircraft from Lockheed Martin, the F-117 Knighthawk, the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II, can all be found here along with many other fast jets.

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Military Transport Aircraft

The largest aircraft in any fleet, in this section you can discover the history of, and the latest technology developments for, these behemoths of the sky. With huge wingspans and multiple engines, the global nature of conflict since the 20th century has required the international reach of these massive long-haul aircraft. From the United States Airforce’s Lockheed C-5 Galaxy to the Antonov An-124 Ruslan of the Russian Federation airforce and the Airbus A400M used by various other European airforces, the military transport aircraft carrying men and materials around the world can be found in this comprehensive resource.

Click here to read more articles on military transport aircraft

Military Aircraft Shows

The Royal International Air Tattoo, RAF Cosford air show, China’s Zhuai airshow, Germany’s ILA Berlin and Russia’s MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon are all shows that provide fantastic opportunities to see, hear and learn about the latest in military aircraft from fast jets to strategic bombers. Key.Aero’s military aircraft show section will keep you up to date with the latest news provided by its reporters attending these major airshows, and others, around the world that have military displays presenting the latest capabilities.

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