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Canadian ‘Stringbag’ for the UK

Pictured at Oshkosh in July 2011, on one of its last flying appearances...


MORE HELOS FOR MORAYVIA Two contrasting ex-UK military helicopters...

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Are you seeking the answer to a thorny aviation question, or...

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The unforgettable ‘Connie’

TRIBUTE ‘Connie’ Edwards With the passing in west Texas...

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The wartime German jet engines offered a step forward over piston...

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The Monday Military Aviation Quiz 67

Welcome to the 67th Monday Military Aviation Quiz! How well do you know your modern military aircraft? Test your aircraft recognition skills here

Boeing delivers first KC-46A tanker to Japan

Boeing has delivered the first KC-46A tanker to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force following a 2017 Foreign Military Sales contract award for an initial aircraft, subsequently increased on options to four airframes

617 Squadron fly with Indian AF Jaguars and SU-30s

October 27, exercise Konhan Shakti 21 saw one of the RAF’s F-35B units, 617 Squadron, operating from HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) flying with Indian Air Force Su-30s and Jaguars, plus Indian Navy MiG-29K

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First A350 for JAL

JAL will take delivery of its first Airbus A350 later this summer....

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First Flight for Flaris LAR1

Another interesting attendee at AERO Friedrichshafen was the...

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Gunsmoke Reborn

The USAF has revived its famous Gunsmoke competition with the...

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DH.9 Flies at Duxford

De Havilland DH.9 E8894 flew at Duxford on May 13 after a 17-year...

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Spitfire Returns from Middle East Tour

Following a tour of the Middle East, Spitfire XIX PM651 has returned...

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Flight Simulation

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Flight Sim Labs A320-X

The A320 is an incredibly complex aircraft and to try to replicate that inside FSX is insanely difficult. Working backwards to produce a flyable aircraft is rather like herding cats – potentially fantastic, but probably a bit fruitless. Flight Sim Labs however like fruitless. The question is, how good is its A320?

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Worldflight 2016

Team Jet Sim took on a challenge to virtually circumnavigate the globe in a full-sized Boeing 737-800 simulator in seven days

Gazelle out now!

For helicopter fans out there, MP Design Studio has released the Aerospatiale Gazelle SA342 for FSX and Prepar3D.

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Upcoming Events

Hill AFB Warriors over the Wasatch Air Show


Hill AFB, United States

US Air Force airshow

Light Aircraft Association Rally


Leicester, United Kingdom

Light aircraft event

Northern Ireland International Airshow


Portrush, United Kingdom


Athens Flying Week 2024 - Tanagra International Air Show


Tanagra, Greece

International air show.

Wings Over Whiteman 2024 Air and Space Show


Whiteman AFB, United States

US Air Force airshow

Wales Airshow


Swansea, United Kingdom

The airshow website says: "Over two days, some of the best pilots and flying display in the world use the natural amphitheatre of Swansea Bay to show their stuff, pulling off incredible aerial acrobatics. From jets to helicopters, it’s two days of the year not to be missed. And even better – it’s free!"