Worldflight 2016

Team Jet Sim took on a challenge to virtually circumnavigate the globe in a full-sized Boeing 737-800 simulator in seven days for Worldflight 2016. Richard Benedikz reports on the week’s events.

Worldflight is a major event in the flight simulation community. It is held annually every November with teams flying full cockpit simulators non-stop around the world for seven days and seven nights to raise money for charity. Besides the official teams, it also attracts a host of flight simmers who wish to join the pack on the journey.

This year, 12 official teams from the UK, Germany and the US took part, all raising money fort heir chosen charities. Worldflight Australia was represented by a Boeing 747-400 simulator, QFA25, while the UK had two seasoned teams, Simfest’s 747-400, Speedbird 744 and Team Flexon the Flight Deck Experience737-800, Thomson 1VB. The new kid on the block was Team Jet Sim on a 737-800 simulator, Channex 5JL, based at Jet Sim School at Sibson Airfield. The team was put together in just eight weeks, thanks to the efforts of Jet Sim School’s Director, Jonathan Lockton and Rostering Manager, Leon Grebe. The crew consisted of 12 pilots from varied backgrounds ranging from professional …

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