BBMF's Black Night-fighter Hurricane

Hurricane Mk IIC PZ865 returned to its home with the RAF BBMF at Coningsby on May 5, after undergoing a ‘Major’ maintenance programme conducted by The Spitfire Company (Biggin Hill) Ltd. The famous Hurricane, The Last of the Many – the last of the type ever built – is now painted to represent a cannon-armed Hurricane Mk IIC of 247 Squadron, which was based at Predannack, Cornwall, and Exeter in Devon during 1942. PZ865 now commemorates all those Hurricane pilots of the night-fighter squadrons who risked their lives in the dark hours, bravely trying to defend against night bombing raids, then taking the fight to the enemy on night-intruder operations.


Hurricane Mk IIC BE634 was delivered to 247 Squadron at RAF Predannack on the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall in January 1942. In common with the unit’s other Hurricanes, and in keeping with their predominantly nocturnal role, BE634 was painted all-over matt black and was fitted with anti-glare panels over the engine exhausts. It was given the 247 Squadron code letters ‘ZY- V’. Unusually, the 247 Squadron Hurricanes wore half-sized fuselage roundels and code letters.

In its eight months with 247 Squadron, mostly operated by ‘B’ Flight, Hurricane BE634 flew…

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