Catch a falling star

It was a role like no other: retrieving film dropped by parachute from reconnaissance satellites, and doing so in mid-air using specially adapted C-119s and C-130s. In this way, the US Air Force’s 6594th Test Group was an important player in Cold War intelligence-gathering

Discreetly hidden in plain sight for more than 27 years, the 6594th Test Group flew a unique, secret mission. Its specially adapted aircraft regularly caught ‘falling stars’, or, more accurately, ‘buckets’ of exposed US reconnaissance satellite film that had been jettisoned from space orbit over the northern Pacific. The buckets contained great lengths of exposed film that, from 1960 onwards, provided the US with massive quantities of invaluable photo-intelligence.

The 6593rd Test Squadron (Special) was activated by USAF Air Research and Development Command on 1 August 1958, using nine modified Fairchild C-119Js. The manufacturer installed new aerial recovery equipment, having already converted them once before to retrieve payloads from aerial reconnaissance balloons. Between 1954 and 1956 these balloons were launched from western Europe to drift across Eastern Bloc territory, under USAF and Central Intelligence Agency project name…

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