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A gaggle of geese

Following your article The future is Now (AIR International, May 2021) wherein you use the term UAM, I think it is necessary to identify the scope of UAM with regards to what forms of mobility it covers. In that respect, we can add Bell’s ATP, Lilium eVTOL and other vehicles in the same class, the whole mix of UAVs and, in addition, the longawaited flying taxis!

Of the above, helicopters – the subject of the article – are already well established, but due to their high operating costs I cannot foresee any major increase in their use as part of UAM, at least within the UK and elsewhere in Europe. For the rest of identified UAMs – or ‘gaggle of geese’ – the immediate response must be ‘Not over my back garden, or my front garden, my street, and so on!’ The first test case thrust upon us is the use of drones/UAVs for the d…

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