Good Times over the Gulf Coast

‘Promoted’ to its current status four years ago, the Commemorative Air Force’s Houston Wing has a varied collection, with the very fine Lockheed C-60 Lodestar Goodtime Gal as its flagship


Texas, of course, has always been the Commemorative Air Force’s home turf. In the Houston area alone can be found three CAF units, the HoustonWing among them. Its home base is theWest Houston general aviation airport, situated around 13 miles west of the city.

The wing operates from Hangar B-5, which also hosts the unit museum.This display area is filled with memorabilia and documents, mainly from the SecondWorldWar, and is open to the public free of charge on the first and third Saturdays of each month. As far as events are concerned, the Houston Wing holds an annual Open House, and— along with the Gulf CoastWing and the ‘Tora! Tora! Tora!’ group — is a co-sponsor of theWings over Houston Airshow at Ellington Airport.

What is now the Houston Wing was constituted within the then Confederate Air Force as the West Houston Squadron of the West Texas Wing in June 1978. At the outset it had three members and operated only member-owned aircraft. Since then, membership has grown to more than 130, and six aeroplanes are today assigned.

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