Hitting The Mark

Andy Thomas profiles 10 Squadron, long-term tanker and transport specialist


A key element in the RAF’s ability to project air power is provided by the capable new dual-role Airbus Voyager tanker-transport. The type was introduced to service by 10 Squadron, which flew for many years in the strategic transport role following a long bomber tradition.

It was New Year’s Day 1915 when 10 Squadron came into being, formed out of 1 (Reserve) Squadron at Farnborough, Hampshire, originally under Major G S Shepherd. It flew a miscellany of aircraft and moved several times before settling at Netheravon, Wiltshire, in early April where it worked up under Major U J D Bourke.

Gradually a full complement of Royal Aircraft Factory BE.2c biplanes arrived and the squadron mobilised for France in the corps reconnaissance role in late July. It settled at Chocques, near Bethune, and prepared for the forthcoming Battle of Loos. One flight undertook strategic reconnaissance behind the front line while two others provided artillery observation, initially for the Indian Corps. What was known as ‘art-obs’ largely became 10’s ‘bread and butter’ for the next three years.

Badge and Battle Honours

The badge, approved by…

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