Living History: Warbird Choreography

Easily among the biggest highlights of the UK’s warbird scene in 2019 was the introduction of the Ultimate Fighters. Darren Harbar spoke to the pilots about the how, why and where of their first year

Looking back at last year’s airshows, the UK was blessed with the debut season of the Ultimate Fighters, featuring formation aerobatics flown by four experienced aviators – each in a different World War Two-era fighter. While their display was quickly compared with the legendary Breitling Fighters led by Ray Hanna from 1999-2003, the Ultimate Fighters deserve credit in their own right. With rave reviews following the team throughout the season, this quartet of P-47 Thunderbolt, TF-51D Mustang, Spitfire and Buchón wowed the crowds with a stunning introduction on one of the biggest warbird stages of all: Flying Legends at Duxford, Cambridgeshire.

Opportunity knocks

The idea to form the team came about during 2018; the pilots had known each other for several years through their airshow involvement, and more recently flying for Sywell, Northamptonshire-based Air Leasing. In addition to warbirds, Richard Grace and Dave Puleston were then well established as the Trig Aerobatic Team with a pair of Pitts S-1s, wh…

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