Restoration scene: Hawker duo

When FlyPast last visited the Cambridge Bomber and Fighter Society’s workshops in 2012, both the Hawker Fury and Hawker Hurricane Mk.I were progressing well. Back then, chairman Paul Rogers forecast a 2019 rollout for the latter and Darren Harbar offers a timely update

Like many projects, the restoration of the Cambridge Bomber and Fighter Society’s (CBFS) aeroplanes based at Little Gransden, south Cambridgeshire, is restricted by two key factors – resources and finances. There is only so much that can be done on a limited budget, while getting the right kind of volunteer can be just as challenging.

In his 2012 FlyPast report, deputy editor Steve Beebee commented on the “determination or old-fashioned British bloody-mindedness” of CBFS chairman Paul Rogers – the driving force behind these static restorations. This says a great deal about a man who has continued to push the projects forward. It is this effort that has resulted in a future where both the Hawker Fury and Hawker Hurricane Mk.I will be displayed at a location pivotal to their existence.

Started in 1997, the CBFS Hurricane is an exciting proposition as Paul has worked relentlessly to incorporate as much original material as possible; the ‘ad…

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