Singapore chooses F-35

SINGAPORE HAS officially identified the F-35 as its next-generation fighter to replace its F-16C/D fleet. Announced on January 18, the decision makes Singapore the 13th country to select the Joint Strike Fighter.

A press release from Singapore’s Ministry of Defence stated that the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) consider the F-35 the “most suitable replacement” for the F-16.

They recommended that a “small number of F-35s” should be purchased for a “full evaluation of their capabilities and suitability” before committing to a full fleet. The statement added that details will be discussed with relevant parties in the US before confirming a decision, which would likely lead to a Foreign Military Sales announcement.

To date, the only F-35 customer to purchase aircraft for evaluation purposes before committing to a full order is the Netherlands, which ordered two F-35As for initial operational test and evaluation before placing a production contract in 2015. However, a lack of alternative contenders that suit Singapore’s requirements makes it almost certain that an order will follow. The Singaporean Defence Ministry has used a test-before-commitment a…

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