What next for Europe's airlines?

Confidence in the summer travel season set against worries caused by rising fuel prices – Europe’s airlines face a complex environment, finds Mark Broadbent

European air traffic growth was stronger than in any other region, reported the International Air Transport Association in May 2022.

Traffic rose 425.4% in March 2022 year-on-year, with capacity up 224.5% and load factors by 27.8% to 72.7%.

EUROCONTROL director general Eamonn Brennan reported in early May 2022 that total European network traffic was 85% of 2019 levels in April 2022, with an average of 26,706 daily flights. Fortunes are clearly improving as COVID-19 travel restrictions ease and carriers restore networks and reintroduce aircraft across the region.

EUROCONTROL expects traffic to recover to 89% of the pre-pandemic 2019 levels by August 2022, rising to 92% by year-end, with a total of around 9.3 million flights throughout Europe in the full year.

John Strickland, the director of JLS Consulting, told AIR International that European airlines are “much more optimistic about the summer”.He said: “Demand has come back pretty strongly. Many of them, especially the network airlines, are talking about higher yields than pre-pandemic. All the sum…

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