It was testament to the excellent work done by the Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre that a very rare Miles Hawk Major ended up there in the first place — and it’s now the subject of a restoration that will see this significant airframe well and truly rejuvenated

With certain notable exceptions, Miles aeroplanes have tended to go somewhat under-represented in the UK’s major aviation museums. All the better, then, for one of the company’s products to have bucked the trend and emerged from long-term storage to find a new home. What’s more, it’s being given an extensive and sympathetic restoration.

Miles M2H Hawk Major DG590/ G-ADMW had remained out of public view for the best part of half a century by the time it arrived at the Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre in mid-February 2017. One of just two surviving examples of this inter-war trainer and tourer, 39 of which were produced between November 1934 and September 1935, it deserved better than to sit in the RAF Museum’ Stafford store. At long last, during 2016, there arrived the opportunity for the Hawk Major to be seen again. Th e RAFM decided to dispose by gift of several stored aircraft assets, DG590 among them. With Montrose the successful b…

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