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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

A quick glance at jobs working FOR the Telegraph:

Work at The Telegraph
Becoming a Telegraph employee means being part of an iconic brand, focused on providing a perspective that allows people to progress in life. We have a culture that rewards performance, values its people and embraces diversity of thought and opinion.

Well f*ck me, there goes another reader..... bye bye JG

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16 years 3 months

Posts: 686


You do realise that ads in the DT are actually aimed to entrap and enslave all liberal thinkers with the aim of re-education:rolleyes:

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

One swallow does not a summer make. Probably written by a leftie anxious to demonstrate his/her leftie/liberal credentials.

One sees the same brainwashing not only in TV programs but also in TV advertising.

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

Problem is BM that JG suscribes to the American way, look after yourself and f*ck everybody else. Don’t give anybody free healthcare, or social care, or love or compassion or anything. Big problem is you can’t hide them or lock them away, they get guns easily and shoot the crap out of you and your loved ones.

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16 years 3 months

Posts: 686


I would imagine in John's world these people are not "deserving" of help, therefore by definition an outreach worker is a non job, that may be a harsh assessment, but sadly probably close .

Member for

14 years 10 months

Posts: 3,447

John, I have just read your last again. Do you really, honestly believe that rather than aiming to maximise sales for their clients, those making TV adverts are actually engaged in producing subliminal propaganda for some anti-capitalist overlord? If you do, then you might consider a tinfoil hat as well?

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

No, I agree, subliminal doesn't come into it. There is however, to my suspicious eye, advertising that tries to alter or shape the way we see the world.

According to my understanding of the meaning of 'decent reticence' there are aspects of daily life that are better left unmentioned. I understand that not everyone will agree. The problem with 'let it all hang out' is that we lose our sensitivity; we lose our sensitivity to be shocked.

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14 years 10 months

Posts: 3,447

And that has what, exactly, to do with the left?

The world has moved on, what matters to people has changed - some of it for the better, some of it for the worse, and which is which depends upon your own priorities and moral compass. None of it was the doing of a political grouping, it was never part of the agenda of the left to change such things.

You have it backwards. Exploration of non-capitalist ideas has often been on the checklist of those who are (or were, if their movements are succesful) radical - but it was only ever that way round. All elephants are grey, but it doesn't follow that if it's grey it's an elephant. Many liberals are left-wing in a right-leaning nation, but there's little correlation the other way, extreme left wingers are very rarely liberal!

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13 years 1 month

Posts: 851

Looks like Mike has Fallon on his sword.
New Defence Secretary required

anyone..... anyone?

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

I don't blame him. He's probably extremely 'hacked' off with having his portfolio treated as if it was of no account. On the other hand......!

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14 years 10 months

Posts: 3,447

To avoid accusations of bias, this is the Telegraph's take on something that would have been a major scandal a few years ago but now just seems background noise:

Not just some lackey clumsily overstepping the mark, but the actual International Development Secretary (who oversees aid to Palestine) in off-record freelance meetings with political leaders and a lobbyist for Israel and without informing the Foreign Office.

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14 years 10 months

Posts: 3,447

Meanwhile, in home news:

One Minister called him a 'slimeball'. A backbencher said the appointment was 'Unbelievable. Ludicrous. Astonishing'. Even without the cover of anonymity, Sarah Woolaston MP tweeted 'There are times when offered a job that it would be better to advise that another would be more experienced & suited to the role'

This will come back to bite May. It seems that the Chief Whip was part of the ongong cover-up of inappropriate behaviour amongst party members, and now he is not in the Whip's position he will be unable to silence any investigation that reveals this.

Somebody else said this will be May's last mistake. I hope so - she is the embodiment of the Peter principle.

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

On a purely common sense point of view I would hope for a Defence Secretary that has at least some experience and knowledge of the defence and the military. As much as he will rely on his more experienced advisors and MoD civil servants, ultimately he will set strategy (at least be accountable for) and that concerns me here.

Member for

17 years 10 months

Posts: 8,984

These little b*stards should never see freedom again, and personally I'd bring back hanging and watch them dangle.

As for these 6 years is nothing

It is a shame they haven't mastered eye transplants because on the top case I would remove the eyes from the scumbag and transplant them into his victim.

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Further to the Church of England's opinions on 'gender matters'.

The D. Tel. reports (Tue. 14th inst) that the chief education officer for the Church and responsible for matters to do with 'tutus' and 'tiaras' is named as Nigel Genders.

Delicious !

Member for

19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

Didn’t catch how this one developed, am out this evening, sounds a nasty incident reported by that most revered publication the DM?

