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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

Angry and bitter and twisted pro brexit right wing MP, writing in the right wing DT, promoting a pro Brexit opinion…… whilst choosing to live in France……..

Another traditionally well balanced and checked article promoted by you again...........:rolleyes:

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Thank you for your last sentence - I agree.

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6 years 7 months

Posts: 550

A Chinese startup may have cracked solid-state batteries

A Chinese startup may have cracked solid-state batteries

Solid-state batteries have long been heralded as The Next Big Thing after lithium-ion, with companies from all quarters racing to get them into high-volume production. Dyson, BMW and car manufacturer Fisker are just a few names that have been working on the tech for the last few years, but now, reports suggest a Chinese start-up might be the first to have cracked it.

According to Chinese media, Qing Tao Energy Development Co, a startup out of the technical Tsinghua University, has deployed a solid-state battery production line in Kunshan, East China. Reports claim the line has a capacity of 100MWh per year -- which is planned to increase to 700MWh by 2020 -- and that the company has achieved an energy density of more than 400Wh/kg, compared to new generation lithium-ion batteries that boast a capacity of around 250-300Wh/kg.

Details beyond this are sparse. The headline news here, if accurate, would be that the company has managed to put solid-state batteries into high volume production, but it's not clear how Qing Tao Energy Development has achieved this, nor what price points are involved. Furthermore, while a capacity of 100MWh is not to be sneezed at, it still only equates to fewer than 2,000 long-range EVs per year. Nonetheless, the news demonstrates that progress is happening in the solid-state battery arena. We might not feasibly yet be at high volume production, but we're on our way.

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

That's really quite sad !

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18 years 7 months

Posts: 1,071

Toddler left scarred after being bitten 15 times by kids at Seacroft soft play centre

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Wonderful ! Even the cat looked happy.

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

If only the true Americans (i.e. the native not immigrants) had been able to stop the immigration of previous centuries, especially the Drumpf family, the world would be a better place.........

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

It's a gilt edged certainty that the Beeb won't sanction him.

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

Check out BBC Andrew Neil’s tweets, they won’t sanction him too....

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6 years 7 months

Posts: 550

Ummm... who runs News Guard though and what happens if someone sets up an app for detecting dodgy tech companies and stamps a pop-up on their website? What we're risking here is a rivalry of competing apps and at the end of it, people will still just believe what they believe.

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Quelle horreur ! What is going on in the offices of the Fleet St Lubyanka aka the Waily Gale ?

Well settled in the cosy familiar embrace of my patented Easy Lift armchair, with Snooks the Mog snoring rhythmically on my lap as I drew deeply on my favourite Meerschaum, the ads on Classic FM interrupted my serenity.

Trumpeting the attractions of the Waily Gale the advert screeched in my ear. Why, I asked no one in particular, why does the Daily Mail need to advertise its presence ?

The answer cannot be concealed. Following a change in the papers management a few weeks ago, the Mail which routinely opposed the PM and her dodgy WA deal, .suddenly did an about face with a speed reminiscent of the halcyon days of the Daily Worker and proceeded to lard up the PM with over-the-top benedictions regarding her undoubted excellence and fitness for the Brexit negotiations.

Such was the speed of the Mail's Damascene conversion that few who had hitherto backed a toughish stance against the PM had time to finish their lunchtime fish and chips, clear their desk and depart. Could it be, that as a consequence, the readership has slumped hence the advertising ?

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

I've been consistent in my understanding and loud in my analysis of just how energised German, French, Polish, Italian, Dutch and other EU manufacturers, producers and exporters to GB would be once it was clearly understood by them in which direction the Brexit talks were going or, had indeed stalled. The writing is now on the wall and they have reacted accordingly.

From the Business section of the D. Tel. to-day, 1st. Feb.

"German anger builds over dangerous handling of Brexit by ideologues". That is the by line on page 1. A group of top German economists has told the EU to tear up the Irish backstop and ditch its ideological demands in Brexit talks, calling instead for a flexible EU of concentric circles that preserves friendly ties with GB.

Brussels must abandon its indivisibility dogma on the EUs four freedoms to come up with a creative formula or risk a disastrous showdown with London that could all to easily spin out of control ".

A joint report by the influential IFO Institiute and universities across Germany and Europe warned that Brussels may be deluding itself in thinking that the EU has the upper hand in all respects or, that the British will capitulate before March 29th.

The report goes on, that in a standard game of 'chicken' the participant who has most to lose will dodge first. Can the EU really be sure that the losses are sufficiently asymmetrically distributed that it wins this game? It asked.

Professor Felbermayr of the IFO Institute commented that "He didn't think that anyone in Brussels had thought the matter thru".

There is the evidence that the above named exporters and manufacturers hold the real cards. They will provide the impetus for Brussels to shift its position and decide that there is no worthwhile percentage in have lots of 'yellow vests' rampaging thru' the streets of the capitals of the EU in violent protest against a short working week, reduced wages and all the reduction in living standards brought about by the political intransigence of the EU.

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Project Fear or, Project Jeer ? Neither. It's far too serious for smart alec slogans. Announced to-day in the Business section of the D. Tel is the unwelcome news - unwelcome, but not necessarily to Mrs. May, that the Eurozone is .slipping gently into recession, the third in ten years.

Question for the Remoaners: do you still feel like hugging a corpse ? Especially one that has its pockets stuffed with debt of a size that can never be repaid other than by more QE. What will that do for the confidence of Chinese euro bond holders among others ?.

Don't know the debt figure for Italy, cant be a lot less than Greece which currently owes E290 billion yes, that is billion, having had three separate bailouts in the last decade.

Member for

19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

Yes, because in the unicorn inhabited rainbow lit uplands the post brexit british economy is looking so rosy.......... indeed the economy is suffering to the tune oif £Billions right now as a result of that disastrous minority decision.