Aviation Features

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DC-3 D-Day Squadron plans for Overlord 80th anniversary

The D-Day Squadron, a mini-US aerial armada, is returning to Europe to mark the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. The Squadron’s Moreno Aguiari told Tom Allett about the organisation’s forthcoming transatlantic adventure

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Combat Aircraft Journal July 2024

July 2024 issue of Combat Aircraft Journal in page-turning format features a Royal Thai Air Force F-16B wearing special tiger tail markings to celebrate 30 years of Cope Tiger.

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AMX bows out of Italian Air Force service

After 35 years of service, the Italian Air Force has retired an Italian-Brazilian tactical fighter-bomber. Daniele Faccioli and Giovanni Colla were at the farewell ceremony at the Istrana Air Base

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What it’s like to fly on the COMAC ARJ21

Bored of Boeing 737s and tired of Airbus A320s, Richard Vandervord fancied a Chinese, sampling a flight aboard a COMAC ARJ21

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Aeroplane meets Rob Collings – President of the famous Collings Foundation

The president of the Collings Foundation presides over one of the world’s largest historic aircraft fleets — and flies many of them himself with great aplomb

Rising to meet demand

The announcement of a new helicopter leasing and finance company indicates that demand for supporting the offshore sector is returning

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FlyPast July 2024

July 2024 issue of FlyPast in page-turning format features De Havilland T.43 Mosquito NZ2308, which recently returned to the skies in New Zealand after long-term restoration

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Spain’s Freedom Fighters of Talavera

Like many European air forces, the Spanish Air and Space Force faces training shortfalls. Patrick Roegies and Jochem Manders visit Talavera La Real, home of the mighty SF-5Ms to discover how these issues are being overcome

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AIR International June 2024

June 2024 issue of AIR International in page-turning format sees Bernie Baldwin gear up for a closer look at development of aircraft undercarriages, wheels and brakes to deliver optimum service

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French photo-mapping B-17s that flew on into the 1980s

As of 1960, aircraft belonging to France’s Institut Géographique National had reputedly performed photo-mapping of more than 60 per cent of the world. A fleet of B-17 Flying Fortresses contributed much to this impressive feat, and the IGN kept them operating until the eighties, from the North Pole to deepest Africa