Supermarine Spitfire

The Supermarine Spitfire, often referred to as simply ‘Spitfire’, is a British fighter plane which gave the British dominance in the air in the Battle of Britain during World War 2. First produced in 1936 by manufacturer Supermarine, a handful of Spitfires have survived to still be airworthy well into the 21st century.


Spitfire MH434 'tour' and Ukraine appeal 

Old Flying Machine Company leader Sarah Hanna is raising money for the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal by offering a special talk and tour of the Duxford-based company’s legendary Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX MH434

IWM Spitfire cockpit experiences

Few aircraft are as entrenched in the hearts and minds of the British public as much as the Supermarine Spitfire. Just getting up close to one of these iconic machines is an emotional experience, but IWM Duxford allows you to go one step further…

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FlyPast Cockpit: The truth behind the tales

FlyPast debunks common myths and tells the stories of popular legends. This month: Beer Barrel Spitfires!

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New home for Kiwi Supermarine stunner

Gavin Conroy profiles a newly-restored Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVI completed by Avspecs in New Zealand. After a successful test-flight programme, it is bound for a new home in the United States

Spitfire: Evolution of an icon

Liam Shaw, Events and Experiences Coordinator at IWM Duxford introduces a world first, the largest collection of Spitfires under one roof gathered together for a very special exhibition…

March Picture of the Month Runners-up

Each month we publish the winners of our online Picture of the Week competition and make one of them our FlyPast Picture of the Month...

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Evolution of an Icon: IWM Duxford’s incredible Spitfire collection

Aviation News Editor Jamie Ewan reports from Imperial War Museum Duxford’s unique salute to chronicle the development of the indomitable Supermarine Spitfire

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EXCLUSIVE: Reuniting Spitfires MH415 and MH434

Reuniting a pair of Spitfire IXs that flew and fought together on the same wartime RAF squadron — and went on to have remarkably interconnected lives in peacetime, too

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Spitfire Saviours of Cogea Nouvelle

COGEA Nouvelle is well-known for having operated six Spitfire IXs from the late 1950s to the early ’60s — all but one survive today. But what was this Belgian company, and why did it buy Spitfires?

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Battle of Britain's Big Screen 'Spits

With the addition to the world’s airworthy Spitfire fleet of MH415, another Battle of Britain film veteran is operational again. But what of the other ‘Spits’ that appeared in the 1969 epic? Aeroplane lists their present-day whereabouts, or fates

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Spitfire Plane Facts, News and Restorations

This page is the only place you need for everything Spitfire related; from interesting historical facts to the latest news on restoration projects, Spitfire appearances and more! For example, did you know that early models of the Spitfire had issues with their Browning machine guns freezing at higher altitudes, a problem that was not addressed until 1938 when a heating system was added to the gun bays.

No military plane has become such a renowned symbol of British Airforce superiority both in terms of its engineering prowess and illustrious military record. The Spitfire has become one of the most popular military aircraft amongst restorers, enthusiasts and airshow attendees alike and for the British represents a symbol of victory. Powered by two Rolls Royce Merlin or Griffon engines, the Spitfire was fast with later variants hitting a top speed of 454mph, making it a formidable and agile foe when it came to short range dog fights giving the RAF the slightest of advantages in critical battles of WW2.

Despite being outnumbered by the Hurricane during the battle of Britain, The Spitfire suffered fewer overall losses and had a higher victory to loss ratio. This, in part, is what lead many of the British to believe that the Spitfire was the reason the Battle of Britain was won. In reality the combination of the two planes and their skilful pilots is what lead the British to victory in the skies.

Of all the legendary fighter, bomber and transport military aircraft from this period, the Spitfire is the one that has captured the hearts and minds of countless enthusiasts and lead to a myriad of restoration projects, airshows and museum pieces.

Take a look at our Spitfire related articles below to find out more about this legendary Warbird aircraft. Discover more articles on vintage aircraft restorations.

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