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Insight into RAF ops in response to the Gaza war

For more than six months the RAF has been at the forefront of Britain’s response to the Gaza war. Tim Ripley looks at what has been going on

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How do Iranian cruise missiles pose a major threat to Israel?

As Israel wages war on Hamas it has come under increased attack from Iran’s cruise missiles and suicide drones. Babak Taghvaee looks at the threat posed by these weapons and the proxy groups using them

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How does Iran use airliners to secretly fly weapons into Syria?

Babak Taghvaee reveals how Iran, aided by the Syrian Arab Air Force, has used airliners to fly weapons into Syria to help arm terrorist groups fighting Israel

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Israel scores F-35's first confirmed cruise missile kill

An Israeli Air Force-operated F-35I Adir (or ‘Mighty One’) has been credited with scoring the type’s first known air-to-air kill against a cruise missile on October 31, probably using an AIM-9X Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missile to achieve this feat

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OPINION: Can Israel justify its airstrikes in Gaza as civilian death toll grows?

Israel is attacking Hamas in Gaza like it has never done before. This comes after the deadly attacks by Hamas on October 7, which claimed up to 1,400 Israeli lives. There is no denying that Israel has the right to defend itself against terror groups, like Hamas and Hezbollah, but did it really have to kill so many innocent Palestinians – many of them children – in going after the extremists?

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What happened during the first 10 days of the Israel-Hamas War?

A new chapter in the Middle East conflict was opened on October 7, when Hamas fighters smashed through the southern perimeter fences dividing Israel and Gaza. In the wake of these events, the Israeli government promised retribution against Hamas and to “wipe it from the face of the earth”. We explore what happened during the first ten days of the conflict

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US scrambles more jets to deter Israel-Hamas conflict escalation

In support of the Pentagon’s efforts to keep the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas from sparking a broader regional conflict, the USAF has scrambled additional A-10C Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft and F-15E Strike Eagle multi-role strike fighters to US Central Command’s area of responsibility

US aircraft carriers deploy as deterrent against escalating Israel-Hamas conflict

The US Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 12 arrived in the eastern Mediterranean Sea on October 10 to act as a deterrent to any actor seeking to escalate the situation or widen the war with Israel

US Navy orders more CH-53Ks for USMC and Israel

The US Navy has awarded Sikorsky a $2.7bn contract to build and deliver 35 additional CH-53K King Stallion heavy-lift transport helicopters – comprising 12 Lot 7 and 15 Lot 8 aircraft for the USMC, along with a further eight examples for Israel (adding to the four announced in 2022)

Israel pushing to accelerate F-15EX purchase as Iran threat builds?

In late May, Jerusalem was signalling to the US that if Iran continues its apparent race to attack Israel, action may be taken to stop it. This explains the pressure being placed by the Israeli Air Force on increasing the number of Boeing F-15IAs to 50 aircraft and starting deliveries as soon as possible