
News Premium

VRM-40 welcomes first CMV-22B to Norfolk

The first US Navy-operated CMV-22B Osprey carrier onboard delivery (COD) aircraft for the US Atlantic Fleet arrived at Naval Station Norfolk’s Chambers Field in Virginia on April 5.

Review Premium

Nemeth Designs Bell 407 review

Among the impressive number of new freeware aircraft and updates offered in the 40th Anniversary Edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator were two different helicopters. Here we review the Bell 407 and see how well Microsoft has adapted to the rotary wing environment.

News Premium

Bahrain’s first AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter makes public debut

The first Bell AH-1Z Viper to be delivered to the Royal Bahraini Air Force (RBAF) appeared in the static display at the recent Bahrain International Airshow, which took place from November 9-11

Bell shows off 360 Invictus as prototype nears completion

US-based helicopter manufacturing giant, Bell, has released images of its 360 Invictus prototype – the firm’s proposed solution for the US Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) requirement – adding that the platform is nearly complete

Feature Premium

Inside the UK MOD’s New Medium Helicopter Programme

The UK is preparing to divest four legacy rotorcraft fleets, replacing them with a single solution under the MOD’s New Medium Helicopter programme. AirForces Monthly details the competition so far and explore the candidates on offer

Feature Premium

The incredible experience of flying in a Bell UH-1 Huey in the UK

Did you know you can fly in a Bell UH-1 Huey right here in the UK? James Peene was fortunate enough to experience this Vietnam combat veteran up close and personal

V-280 tiltrotor News Premium

FLRAA effort now in midst of competitive phase

The effort to fulfil the US Army’s Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) requirement is now in the midst of its competitive phase, pitching two differing rotorcraft designs in a head-to-head contest

First AH-1Z Viper built for Bahrain

Bell Textron completed the first build of the AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter for the Kingdom of Bahrain last month. The US company announced the completion of the build in a press release on October 22

News Premium

AH-1Z and UH-1Y on show in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic ordered four Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters and eight UH-1Y Venom utility rotorcraft in December 2019, so it was not surprising to see examples of both from the USMC in the NATO Air Days static display from September 18-19

Feature Premium

IN-DEPTH: Iran's recently upgraded AH-1J Cobra fleet

Operated by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Iran's small Bell AH-1J fleet has seen a fair share of indigenous modernization in recent years, as we explain