Eyes and ears of the RAF

The RAF’s spyplane community, officially known as the ISTAR Force, plays a critical part in daily operations. Alan Warnes outlines its capabilities and talks to Air Commodore Dean Andrew about its future.

Intel Report

The Royal Air Force’s Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) fleet is based at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire, but spends most of the time deployed overseas, where its ‘eyes and ears’ are focused on supporting the UK’s national and international commitments.

Air Cdre Dean Andrew, who leads the RAF ISTAR Force, told AFM: “Ninety per cent of [the ISTAR Force] is based at RAF Waddington, but we have subelements at Creech Air Force Base near Las Vegas; RAF Digby [Lincolnshire], where the exploitation and dissemination is taken care of, and also small elements in the Pathfinder building at RAF Wyton [Cambridgeshire].”

The air commodore is responsible for a fleet of around 30 aircraft. These comprise ten MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted air systems (RPAS) operated by Nos 13 and 39 Squadrons; seven (to be increased to eight) Beech 300 Shadow R1/2s; three RC-135W Rivet Joints; five Sentry AEW1s and five Sentinel R1s. Meanwhile, the process of transferring Army Air Corps Islanders is ongoing.

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