Italian Air Force marks end of HH-212A ops with final flight

The Italian Air Force’s (ItAF’s) 9° Stormo (Wing) held a celebratory event at Grazzanise Air Base, Italy, on February 22 to mark the final flight of the HH-212A combat search-and-rescue (CSAR) helicopter fleet.

The iconic helicopter concluded its operational life after approximately 45 years of ItAF service, during which it played a crucial role in numerous operational missions both at home and abroad (in Afghanistan), including its participation in search-and-rescue (SAR) missions in significant domestic events that affected the civilian population. Operated by 9° Stormo’s 21° Gruppo (Squadron) at Grazzanise, the ItAF’s HH-212A fleet is now being replaced by the HH-101A CAESAR CSAR helicopter – the first example of which was delivered to the unit in December 2019.

Sporting a special commemorative livery, this ItAF-operated HH-212A (MM81160 ‘9-60') – assigned to 9° Stormo’s 21° Gruppo – comes into land at Grazzanise Air Base, Italy, after completing the type’s final flight in operational service on February 22.
Sporting a special commemorative livery, this ItAF-operated HH-212A (MM81160 ‘9-60') – assigned to 9° Stormo’s 21° Gruppo – comes into land at Grazzanise Air Base, Italy, after completing the type’s final flight in operational service on February 22. Remo Guidi

For the occasion, HH-212A (MM81160 ‘9-60’) received a special commemorative livery. The fuselage incorporated the three historical operational liveries of the aircraft: the orange tail (reminiscent of the scheme worn by the ItAF’s early HH-212A AMI-SAR registrations); the central yellow and white band (in memory of the AWTI series); and finally, the NATO camouflage (which was sported by the helicopter up to the present day).

From the aircraft’s tail to nose, a blue line symbolises the ItAF’s utilisation of the HH-212A throughout history for SAR operations, as indicated by the emblem on its tail, while its CSAR role is symbolised by the tiger on its nose, which is also a clear reference to the NATO Tiger Association. Along this timeline, depicted on the blue line that metaphorically supports and sustains the helicopter are the most significant emblems of the units that employed the HH-212A throughout its time in ItAF service.