Life’s a Beech

FlyPast’s resident warbird pilot Dave Unwin sampled the delights of the twin-engined Beech 18 Expeditor.

There are few things more sonically satisfying than to operate the twin throttles of two well-tuned radials. As we rumble across the Berkshire countryside, owner Tim Darrah* gives the port prop lever the tiniest of tweaks and then they’re beautifully synched. I glance at Tim and we both grin at each other. No words are necessary – the smiles are enough.

Known variously as the Beech D-18, Twin Beech, C-45 and Expeditor, this iconic aircraft has long been on my ‘wish list’, so when the opportunity arose to fly G-BKGL, I only hesitated for about a millisecond.

Array of switches

As Tim and I wander out on a beautiful autumn day at White Waltham my initial impression is that it is quite a big aeroplane, while the US Army paint scheme gives it a wilful, almost aggressive appearance.

One thing’s for sure, with a maximum all-up weight (MAUW) of almost 8,800lb (4,000kg), a wingspan of 47ft 8in (14.5m) and two 450hp (336kW) engines, the Expeditor definitely fits the ‘big taildragger’ class. Consequently, I sit in the cockpit with Tim for some time, familiarising myself with the controls before even thinking about starting the engines.

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