Are you seeking the answer to a thorny aviation question? Our ‘questions and answers’ page might help

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Changing of the guard

After some 25 years providing the Q&A pages, compiler Mike Hooks writes: “My advancing years have encouraged me to hand over the column and I am delighted that Barry Wheeler, a friend of more than 50 years, has agreed to take over the reins. Barry has been involved in editing a number of aviation titles during a long career in aerospace journalism and takes over this new task with enthusiasm. But remember: without your input, Q&A would not exist, so please continue to support it. I shall be hovering in the background, and continuing to provide Hooks’ Tours and other features from time to time.”


Engine rotation

Q A query in the January issue asked why British radial engines rotate counter-clockwise, most Merlins clockwise and all American radials clockwise.

A Former naval pilot Brian Toomey responds with memories of his US Navy training in the 1950s. He recalls moving from Harva…

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