What Book Are You Reading?

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 495

I didn't get on with the Gulliver of Mars book-not good writing! Now reading some gothic horror stories by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

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13 years 9 months

Posts: 2

the name of the rose - Umberto Eco, good book

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18 years 11 months

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Just finished "Phoenix Squadron" by Rowland White. Takes a similar kind of approach to the classic "Vulcan 607" but sadly I don't think the subject lends itself nearly as well to the "thriller" treatment. No disrespect to the Ark and her people, but in terms of drama or excitement a peaceful 10 minute flyover of Belize doesn't really compare with the Black Buck missions. Several times the author seemed to lead his readers up the garden path too, eg hinting at some kind of skirmish with the USAF, when in fact all that happened was that a pair of F-102's came to take a look. Some interesting stuff about the Ark and FAA operations, but if you're expecting another "Vulcan 607" I think you wil be disappointed.

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13 years 9 months

Posts: 105

i cant read so i dont read books. well thats not entirely true i simply dont give myself time or patience to read books. infact i wouldn't have the concentration to read a preschool book.

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14 years 9 months

Posts: 4,956

Spoilt Rotten - the Toxic Cult of Sentimentality by Theodore Dalrymple. Brilliant - it sums up 21st century life in the UK.

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 495

Vertigo by Bob Shaw.
In the future personal air travel is common place, rendering travel by plane financially unviable. Rob Hasson is part of the Sky Police but is suffering from Vertigo after an accidnt and so is grounded. However following certain incidents he is forced back into service and so must overcome his phobia!

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13 years 7 months

Posts: 77

My Booky Wook 2 by Russell Brand.

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Posts: 4,956

Empire of the Clouds. Three chapters in and it is excellent!

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19 years 9 months

Posts: 9,838

Rod Taylor - An Aussie in Hollywood.
The biography of the under-appreciated film star.
He satrred in several aircraft-themed films.

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 495

My Booky Wook 2 by Russell Brand.

You mean you're meant to READ that book? ;)

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24 years 6 months

Posts: 169

Shunt - The Life Story of James Hunt

coming to a cinema near you soon!

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Jaktpilot i RAF - better known as "First Light", but the only copy I could find here in Gothenburg is in Swedish! Quite a good translation, but I would prefer to read the English version!

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21 years 4 months

Posts: 589

"Runways to Victory" by Peter Celis. A fascinating account of the Allied advance through Belgium in 1944-45.

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16 years 9 months

Posts: 58

The Few by Alex Kershaw. Excellent read about the first Americans serving in the RAF during WWII.

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Posts: 2,766

RAF Birdstrikes 1981

Inspectorate of Flight Safety (RAF) MOD

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For my non-fiction, Under The Wire by Bill Ash and Conquest: The English Kingdom in France. Unusually for a history book about that period it is not dry stuff and the fact that it is written by a woman makes it all the more surprising.
My fiction at the moment is The Bourne Deception.

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14 years 6 months

Posts: 58

Hammer of the Gods, Stephen Davis.
Led Zeppelin story.

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Spitfire Attack
by W.T.Rolls

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Posts: 1,966

I'm half way through a box set of 7 Spike Milligan books, they started off well but the current book seems to be a constant stream of jokes written by an 8 year old. I'm really not sure if I'll even finish this one never mind read any of the remaining 3 books.