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13 years 5 months

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How long can it be before the 'Hitler' mugs appear on Ebay at £500 per lump ?

This story refers to a store in Germany that ordered some 5000 tea/coffee mugs from China. The mugs were tastefully decorated with flowers and some writing in English. About one hundred anf fifty were sold before it was noticed that the mugs had a faint imprint of a mugshot of the late unlamented Fuhrer plus a swastika.

Anything of this nature is evidently no laughing matter in Germany. Huge fines accompany the conviction of anyone trading in Nazi memorabilia. Red faces all around. Who said the Chinese had no sense of humour - no matter how warped !

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Does anyone know the outcome of the North Korean hair cut saga ? The last I heard was that 'goons' from the embassy of the Estimable One had called on the hapless barbers in London and ordered them to remove the laughably inoffensive mugshot of the Estimable Leader.

C'mon all you closet Marxists, where are you when most needed ?

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13 years 5 months

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The news tells me that there are moves afoot to change the name of Stuttgart Airport to Manfred Rommel Airport in honour of the former Mayor of Stuttgart who was the son of the esteemed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel of WW2 Afrika Korps fame.

Some have objected that the airport's proposed name is synonymous with a soldier who served the Third Reich and that people will link the new name with Mayor Rommel's father rather than the Mayor. I don't see what is wrong with that. Field Marshal Rommel was a co-conspirator in the July 20th bomb plot to kill Hitler so, deserves some special remembrance similar to Klaus Von Stauffenburg, another conspirator who is honoured by the placement of a statue.

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11 years 10 months

Posts: 11,141

I agree - I think the linking of both Rommels can only be right and proper. I had the impression the objectors were a smallish minority.

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13 years 5 months

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I see that Jeremy Clarkson is in the news for all the wrong reasons. As the current hate figure (albeit Farage runs him a close second) of the virulent Left, it is alleged that he, Clarkson, mentioned a naughty word as part of a nursery rhyme recitation.

So, the Looney Left are getting worked up and dusting off their favourites such as 'racist', 'should be sacked' 'a disgrace' and other such nonsense from the Left Wing Encyclopedia Of Outrage. Strange really because Clarkson said no such thing ! Examination of the sound recording of the incident has revealed no controversial word hence the Lefty manufactured sense of victimhood is, as so often the case, hot air !

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13 years 5 months

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It is reported that the prestigious Civitas has issued a statement that British trade has not benefited from membership of the EU. Civitas suggests that it is 'empty rhetoric' to suggest that being part of the EU has given Britain a trade advantage and any alleged benefits are 'imaginary'.

In the meantime, trade and exports to non EU countries such as Norway, Switzerland and Iceland have increased enormously the report concludes.

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11 years 10 months

Posts: 11,141

Who knows? Perhaps they are right but an odd interest for an organisation set up to increase awareness in legal and moral subjects which should concern society.
Detailed statistics on our trade with any and every country is freely available.

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13 years 5 months

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Once again, our unloveable and largely worthless state education system is called into question. A press report announces that large industrials and certain philanthropical institutes are gearing up to shovel large amounts of cash into providing extra private tuition in mathematics and physics for the benefit of state educated schoolchildren.

The impetus for this comes from the knowledge that these two subjects are either not taught at all or, taught incompetantly. This comes at a time when it was reported that teachers from China are to be imported to further assist in the matter of the remedial teaching of literacy and numeracy.

Can anyone enlighten me as to the extent of the national education budget? The political left infiltrated state education some forty years ago - to-day we witness the results of that blight. Beyond recklessly spending taxpayers cash, is there anything at all that has been worthwhile that we can lay at the door of the left?

If we cannot properly educate our children, then this country is doomed to gather speed down the slide of industrial and commercial incompetance. Third world, here we come.

Member for

11 years 10 months

Posts: 11,141

I agree. Our education system has been a disgrace since Crosland and Williams started the rot and barely a Minister since has done anything but further harm.

Member for

13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

For all car drivers.

The following came from a reliable source as they used to write in 'The Screws of the World':

Car hi-jackers are on the prowl with some new tricks. This has been experienced mostly in public car parks. If you arrive back at your car and there is a piece of paper stuck to your back window - leave it there. Check there's no one around, jump into your car, lock the doors and drive away.

If you don't see the paper before getting into your car, you will normally start and look into the mirror before reversing and then you see a piece of paper on the rear window directly in your line of sight, the normal action is to get out of your car to investigate - DON'T. Lock the doors and drive away.

The thieves will be lurking, concealed somewhere, at hand ready to grab your car and all your possessions when you get out to investigate.

Member for

21 years

Posts: 7,059

:D They are welcome to my heap LOL.
Good to warn people though.Was there any area where this is happening or reported?

Member for

11 years 10 months

Posts: 11,141

That makes the assumption that evey driver will either see the paper before getting in or spot it when they look in the mirror. When they what, John?!

Member for

13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Re 93

I think about as many do who also use their indicators !

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13 years 5 months

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Re 92


I don't know of any particular locality.

Member for

11 years 10 months

Posts: 11,141

Re 93

I think about as many do who also use their indicators !

Yes that's about right.

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

I see that there is another sorry piece in the Press about global warming, which should alert us all to the Stalinist practices of something known as the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

Since science became politicised primarily as a consequence of the altercation surrounding man made global warming, various academics demonstrating scepticism and with a lifetime spent in meteorology, have witnessed the rubbishing of their various papers on the subject, and their personal removal - not literally - to the fringes of academia.

One such is Professor Lennart Bengtsson, of Reading University (is there anywhere in this country that doesn't have a Uni?) who has suibmitted papers critical of claims that carbon emission is as damaging - short or long term - as some described. For daring to upset the status quo he has been marginalised.

He writes that if the entire world economy or, that major industrialised part, is to be re-jigged on the basis of the claims for global warming currently made, then the science supporting those claims has to be blemish free. I would have thought that that was common sense.

But no, the political agenda that seems to support and encourage pro global warming 'science' is sufficiently influential to encourage the suppression of dissent thus further diminishing the pro credibility.

What is it these people want? A return to the horse and cart? Are they all Luddites ?

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

A report in my newspaper reveals that where we failed, the Yanks succeeded ! Abu Hamza, convicted by the American justice system where the British one failed, is starting a life behind bars without the prospect of parole or, early release. It is said that he will die in jail.

Now why couldn't we save a lot of expense and do that while he was here in custody ? Perhaps he has sympathisers in the CPS !

Member for

21 years

Posts: 7,059

Yes,we gave him and his cronies ,money,legal aid and a platform to spout his bile-over in the USA they did what we should've done years ago,good on them.

Member for

13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Not necessarily the end of the saga for Sgt. Alexander Blackman. On appeal, it is reported that he has had his sentence - imposed for killing a Taliban prisoner, reduced from ten years to eight. Another appeal has been proposed.

Don't think that this story does much for Armed forces recruitment.

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Another news item concerns drones and pizzas. It is reported that a pizza outlet in Bombay, that is in India, for some of our more geographically challenged readers, has made the first air borne delivery of a hot, delicious, mozzarella cheesed with tomato overlay pizza by aerial drone, to a grateful customer in a Bombay tower block.

If this gains in popularity, I can see a growing competition and perhaps conflict with the resident native population of predatory vultures. PDF's (Pizza Defence Forces) may have to formed and equipped with air rifles to defend one's supper against sudden and swift removal by these aerial equivalents of the WW2 Junkers 87 (Stuka.)

Vulture Protection Lobbies might arise within the ranks of the Indian version of the RSPB. Training these capable and intelligent birds to carry miniature first strike missiles targeted at the Pizza Defense Forces could certainly give rise to serious conflict perhaps involving UN mediation and ultimately UN Peacekeeping troops of whom the vast majority could be trained by Bill Oddie's Corp of Sanctimonious Twitchers, thus increasing their ultimate battle effectiveness.

I forsee a re-run of the WW2 B of B. But this time, the Battle of Birds, Bombay or, B of B in B. The title in full, besides being more expressive, will not be confused with Bed & Breakfast outlets in Bombay, India.

The comments of those members of the forum who have in depth military experience and in particular, specialised avian knowledge would be invaluable. All such, could be rewarded with a weeks supply of drone delivered Bombay Duck.