Cockpit building

The Radio Management Panel - on the home straight…


From the gloomy clouds of the previous issue, a little sun has begun to poke through. Is it the light at the end of the tunnel or is it just an oncoming train? The good news is that the CNC machine is back baby, and we’re running well! The issue? The new PC. For whatever reason, the new PC didn’t like the CNC and vice versa. I had no choice but to repair the old Dell machine. Repairing a 12-year-old PC isn’t as difficult as it sounds. As mentioned previously, I never throw anything away. Half an hour’s faultfinding and I found the fault in one of the memory modules. A quick check of stock and I found some old DDR2 memory sticks and voila. The Dell was back in business. A quick test run and all is smooth. So with a celebratory glass of wine, it’s on with the RMP (Radio Management Panel) top panel.

Home straight

The CNC finishes the top panel with no fuss or bother. A sense of relief passes over me. There’s no time to rest though, I have three other construction jobs to complete before the final assembly can happen. I have the buttons to design and engrave, then I have the rear button platforms (best description I could think of) and finally I n…

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