Mustangs with roundels

RAF & Commonwealth Mustangs

The P-51 Mustang owes its origins to a British requirement and served the RAF well in several theatres, as Andrew Thomas describes


In early 1940, North American Aviation put forward a proposal to the British Purchasing Commission (BPC) – it was a plan that would result in the creation of a legendary fighter. In the hands of Vance Breese, the first prototype flew on October 26, 1940. The BPC was impressed and gave the go-ahead for production.

The RAF would later adopt the name ‘Mustang’ for the type. Powered by an Allison V1710-39 engine, the first Mustang Mk.I was delivered in October 1941 and in trials proved faster than the Spitfire Mk.V at 15,000ft (4,572m).

At Duxford the new fighter was also flown by Rolls-Royce chief test pilot Ronald Harker who suggested that “with a powerful and good engine like the Merlin 61, its performance could be outstanding”.

It was therefore recommended that an aircraft be fitted with a Merlin engine for testing in Britain, and that a Packard-built variant of the Merlin be trialled in a P-51 in the US. Their first flights took place on October 13 and November 30, 1942 respectively.

SPOT FACT The Mk.Ia was armed with four 20mm cannon in the wings

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