VSKYLABS C-47 Skytrain Flying Lab Project v4.0 Released

Aircraft developer, VSKYLABS has announced the C-47 Skytrain Flying Lab Project v4.0 is now available for X-Plane 11.

Version v4.0 is the most comprehensive update of VSKYLABS’ C-47 Skytrain to date. The flight model sports highly realistic handling and flight performance along with old school navigation and autopilot systems. Aircraft performance and handling qualities were designed and tested using a research-level approach and undergoing a validation process of hundreds of flight test hours and evaluation by a real-world C-47 pilot.

Aircraft developer, VSKYLABS has announced the C-47 Skytrain Flying Lab Project v4.0 for X-Plane 11

The package comes with two C-47 variants: the C-47 and the XC-47C float-equipped variant in a passenger and cargo configuration. All relevant systems are simulated including:

  • Two-speed Supercharger blowers - based on the PW-1830-90C engines model, equipped with lo/hi blowers
  • Oxygen system including crew dilution/regulator, pressure indicator and functional flow-indicator ‘Blinker’
  • Fire Extinguisher system including fire indication system
  • Engine/propeller with functioning and authentic feathering
  • Undercarriage and flaps simulation.

Aircraft developer, VSKYLABS has announced the C-47 Skytrain Flying Lab Project v4.0 is now available for X-Plane 11.

Damage simulation includes engines mishandling, airframe stress with a visual representation of the damage. It comes with an old-school Sperry autopilot and optional and more modern dual GNS 530, S-TEC autopilot. AviTab compatibility is also included.

Other highlights include anti-ice and deicing, including icing and rain effects, comprehensive FMOD sounds and a detailed manual covering the C-47, the systems and how to operate the aircraft. The aircraft is VR (Virtual Reality) ready and VR functionality is under constant development to reach a higher level of immersion.