BREXIT - Merged Thread.

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The flag of the fascist, white supremacist movement Generation Identity being flown proudly on the Leave Means Leave demo in Parliament Square today.The Christchurch shooter donated €1,500 to the organisation before massacring 50 people

The far-right nature of the Brexit project

And I imagine ANTIFA support Remain so....

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Hi All,
Unfortunately both sides of the argument have attracted radicals to each IMPO, it just ruins the core of what the referendum decided sadly, if no deal is to be made then let's just leave simple. The UK can always survive by making alternative deals separately with individual countries, the only reason the EU do not want the UK to leave is because of the financial contribution this country gives IMPO.

Why should we be governed by unelected ministers that enforce they're Rules/Regulations and Laws ? that are abused I mean we cannot kick European criminals back home because it is they're human right to be here even if they break the law never mind the justice system in the UK being a joke. Before anybody screams whatever just imagine your the victim of someone who has no right to be in this country, dare I say experiences a family members loss of life etc. etc. you may think differently.

Also I will point out that I am in no affiliation with any group political party etc.etc.etc. just a plain speaker who thinks enough is enough!


There's the financial contribution but also the amount of their goods we import. And yes hidden costs like keeping EU criminals in UK prisons, remittances, overseas benefits payments and subsidisation of EU students at UK universities add up. The £350m/week is actually too low as a value.

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And I imagine ANTIFA support Remain so....

go on, show us a photo from the Remain march with an "Antifa" flag

As for post #3063

give it up St. john, the £350m is a busted flush, an outright fallacy and you know it deep down

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Posts: 550

go on, show us a photo from the Remain march with an "Antifa" flag

As for post #3063

give it up St. john, the £350m is a busted flush, an outright fallacy and you know it deep down

Does it matter whether they were there or not? They support the Remain position and that's all that matters.

Not one bit. The £350m was just the gross amount for the direct payment. If you add up remittances, keeping EU convicts in UK prisons, overseas benefit payments, cost to businesses of legislation and illegal labour and subsidisation of EU student at UK universities, it comes to well over £350m/week.

Profile picture for user 1batfastard

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Hi All,
trekbuster - If the£350m is wrong what is the correct figure please ? When considering we actually pay £13bn per year just to be in this big boys club, (Which allegedly the UK then recuperates approx. £4bn back) I would say it is more likely to be higher rather than lower even if you drop the figure to £9bn per year input.

The UK is the fourth largest contributor to the EU, so is it any wonder they do not wish us to leave and keep escalating the divorce bill ? Unless the UK signed an agreement saying that we would buy our way out the government should say goodbye and good riddance IMHO.

In theory this EU sounds like a good idea the reality is it comes with strings attached and not to our benefit.


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19 years 2 months

Posts: 963

Hi All,
trekbuster - If the£350m is wrong what is the correct figure please ? When considering we actually pay £13bn per year just to be in this big boys club, (Which allegedly the UK then recuperates approx. £4bn back) I would say it is more likely to be higher rather than lower even if you drop the figure to £9bn per year input.

The UK is the fourth largest contributor to the EU, so is it any wonder they do not wish us to leave and keep escalating the divorce bill ? Unless the UK signed an agreement saying that we would buy our way out the government should say goodbye and good riddance IMHO.

In theory this EU sounds like a good idea the reality is it comes with strings attached and not to our benefit.


I think I can answer that for you, not made up, not hearsay, but factual information from those who know, the CBI, which last financial year estaimated that the net benefit of EU membership is worth 4-5% of GDP to the UK, or £62bn-£78bn per year. So I'd suggest that is to our benefit.

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Posts: 963

And I imagine ANTIFA support Remain so....

Again you miss the point.....

1 Million people marched through London in support of a peoples vote, without hint of trouble, agression or extremism, yet farage and his few hundred bully boys occupied a stage with Tommy Robinson, abused media, dragged lynched mock bodies through the streets, carried lynching posts and on previous occasions have abused public, stopped ambulances on calls and many other awful actions.

Does this kind of behaviour remind you of anything (hint: Germany in the 1930's)

Is this is part of the brave new world give me the EU any time.

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I think the real campaign lie was by the two main parties who both ran a campaign based on Brexit in the last election, when they were actually nearly all Remainers.

Profile picture for user 1batfastard

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Hi All,
IMHO the biggest ally they could have used in the negotiations never got a look in Mr Farage. Though many cannot stand him he has been banging on about Brexit for many,many years and for the most mocked by all sides before the referendum. He understands more than any for the most the workings of the EU (Unelected) Parliament, especially of the so called conservative Brexiteer's IMPO and would have been such a great advisor in the Mrs May (Remainer) discussions had she indeed been genuine about her alleged 100%commitment to escape the shackles of the EU.

You have to wonder deep down if all this indecisiveness is planned ? If it isn't then it really just shows how inept the conservatives are at running the government and should vacate so we can elect a new government. Despite her and others claims all she and the conservative Brexiteers have done have suddenly jumped on the popularity Brexit campaign that was started by Mr Farage then claimed it as they're own idea and plan.


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19 years 2 months

Posts: 963

Hi All,
IMHO the biggest ally they could have used in the negotiations never got a look in Mr Farage. Though many cannot stand him he has been banging on about Brexit for many,many years and for the most mocked by all sides before the referendum. He understands more than any for the most the workings of the EU (Unelected) Parliament, especially of the so called conservative Brexiteer's IMPO and would have been such a great advisor in the Mrs May (Remainer) discussions had she indeed been genuine about her alleged 100%commitment to escape the shackles of the EU.

You have to wonder deep down if all this indecisiveness is planned ? If it isn't then it really just shows how inept the conservatives are at running the government and should vacate so we can elect a new government. Despite her and others claims all she and the conservative Brexiteers have done have suddenly jumped on the popularity Brexit campaign that was started by Mr Farage then claimed it as they're own idea and plan.


Given thet he rarely turned up then no I don't think he would be a suitable ally at all.

Given that he failed his a levels and was at best a mediocre banker then he would not be suitable,

I'd rather the best in their respective businesses who will actually be trading, providing jobs and driving the economy would be used..

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Posts: 963

A mock lynching post for MPs falls under freedom of expression at this point.

One of Remain's chief fanboys is a war criminal, so beat that.

Let me see. So far zero Jews have been gassed, so no, this does not remind me of 1930s Germany at all. But seen as you mentioned 1930s Germany:

Yes, the Nazis didn't start by marching down the road in jackboots, and when I studied history no Jews had been gassed in the early 30's, yet that changed..... If you're happy enough to be flippant about the viciousness in evidence, then that says a lot about you.

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Yes, the Nazis didn't start by marching down the road in jackboots, and when I studied history no Jews had been gassed in the early 30's, yet that changed..... If you're happy enough to be flippant about the viciousness in evidence, then that says a lot about you.

You're being a drama queen. Anger at politicians has nothing to do with targeting a specific race. In 1930s Germany any people expressing anger at politicians would have been dispensed with in short order.

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I'm surprised Agent K hasn't reported that UK soldiers have been training to kill Jeremy Corbyn.:D

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At the moment Parliament seems hellbent on achieving a deal that has none of the benefits of being in the EU and none of the benefits of leaving it either. A 'quid pro no' if you will.

Profile picture for user 1batfastard

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Given thet he rarely turned up then no I don't think he would be a suitable ally at all.

Given that he failed his a levels and was at best a mediocre banker then he would not be suitable,

I'd rather the best in their respective businesses who will actually be trading, providing jobs and driving the economy would be used..

Hi All,
As far as I know he has been an active MEP since becoming one, also just because he failed his exams and was not a good banker when working as one does not mean that he is useless as an MEP. I am certain there are a plethora of others who have failed exams and not been very good at they're chosen career that have otherwise succeeded in whatever came after those failings we cannot all be good academically and ace our careers life as you know has it ups and downs.

Of coarse those who are the best in their prospective business's are doing such a fine job at the negotiating table along with the PM aren't they ?

Just be honest the whole thing is a shambles, like I have already pointed out we have a staunch remainer trying to negotiate her way out of something that she truly believes we should be part of so her heart is not really in it. No amount dressing up can alter the fact if she truly wanted us out she would have cut our losses and we would be making new deals with other countries, the rest is just fear mongering for the most IMPO.


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Geoff, for the record, he’s been a far from active MEP and has one of the worse attendance records in the European Parliament.

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19 years 2 months

Posts: 963

I'm surprised Agent K hasn't reported that UK soldiers have been training to kill Jeremy Corbyn.:D

Why? Anyway I try and avoid reading and broadcasting fake news, and this isn’t of any interest to me at all.

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“Of coarse those who are the best in their prospective business's are doing such a fine job at the negotiating table along with the PM aren't they”

I think you’ll find that’s the issue as none of those experts are at any table.