The Eighth Air Force vs The Flakwaffe

Donald Nijboer examines the use of flak in World War Two – the greatest combat hazard to bombers operating in European skies

The combat that raged over European skies during World War Two has often been described as a battle between fighters and fighters vs bombers. Historians frequently dismiss the impact of German anti-aircraft defenses (flak) as ineffective and a waste of valuable material and personnel. The official histories after the war downplayed the impact of the Flakwaffe. According to The Strategic Air War Against Germany 1939-45 British Bombing Survey: “Anti-aircraft guns were plentiful, but relatively speaking, provided with poor radar control. They did not prove a very lethal weapon – even when they were most numerous.” In fact, the German Flakwaffe made a major contribution to the defence of Germany and one for which the US Eighth Air Force was unprepared.

At least half of the American aircraft shot down over Germany was due to flak (5,380 lost to flak, 4,274 to fighters and 2,033 due to other causes). The numbers speak for themselves, but they also hide other important facts.

Anti-aircraft fire had two important roles to play. One was to bring down enemy aircraft, while the more important one was to force bombe…

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