Global 7500 enters service

BOMBARDIER ANNOUNCED on December 20, 2018, that its flagship Global 7500 had celebrated its entry into service milestone with a ceremony at the company’s newly named Laurent Beaudoin Completion Centre in Montreal. The event was held in front of customers, suppliers and representatives from the business aviation industry.

President of Bombardier Business Aircraft David Coleal said: “Pride and excitement are profound understatements when it comes to the entry into service of our lagship Global 7500 aircraft. This revolutionary aircraft is the gateway to a transformed business aviation landscape and a very bright future.”

During its light test campaign, the Global 7500 exceeded its original commitments to customers, leading to a new published take-of distance of 5,800ft (1,768m) and a recorded speed of Mach 0.995.

Michel Ouellette, Senior Vice President, Programme Management and Engineering for Bombardier Business Aircraft, said: “Today’s celebration is a testament to the rigour and excellence of our Global 7500 aircraft programme, from the drawing board to entryinto- service …Today, the worldclass, highly skilled team at the Laurent Beaudoin Completion Centre continues to carry on the tradition of delivering gamechanging large-cabin aircraft in Montreal, much like the original Global Express 20 years ago.”

Nigel Pittaway