X-Plane 11.30

An Interview with Laminar Research

Several general aviation autopilots have been recreated so aircraft developers can use ready- made units from simple single-axis analogue devices, to more complex types such as the GFC-700, S-Tec 55 and KAP-140. To find the aerodynamic centre acting on a fuselage, Austin resorted to mounting a rocket launch tube to a Tesla model S. X-Plane 11.30 will introduce major upgrades to the autogen scenery.

Since the launch of X-Plane 11, the platform has gone from strength to strength, with new features being added such as Virtual Reality (VR) support, detailed cities and 3D airports, along with a plethora of flight modelling and engine improvements. With the impending release of X-Plane 11.30, we decided to speak to the Laminar Research team to find out what features we can expect in the new version.

PC Pilot: May I start by asking you to highlight the major changes that have been made to the flight model and engine dynamics?

Austin Meyer: One of the changes in 11.30 is that we have made propwash more accurate. Rather than just applying wash behind the prop disc, the incoming air is accelerated leading up to the disc as it happens in reality. As air is pulled into the propel…

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