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Upcoming Events

Duxford Flying Evening


Cambridge, United Kingdom

The event webpage says: "Evening flying featuring warbirds, pyrotechnics and more. Enjoy after-hours entry to IWM Duxford for this very special vintage aircraft flying display. Witness the aircraft that still call Duxford home take to the skies as the sun goes down and dusk turns to dark across this historic Second World War airfield."

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta


Bristol, United Kingdom

The event website states: "The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta is a free to attend, three-day event that celebrates the city and its heritage links to the remarkable world of hot air ballooning. From Friday 9th to Sunday 11th August, the rolling hills of Ashton Court on the outskirts of the city of Bristol are home to a temporary playground of entertainment, and a stage set ready and waiting for over 100 hot air balloons to take flight."

Airshow London, Canada


London, Canada

Major airshow

Offutt AFB - Defenders of Freedom Air and Space Show


Bellevue, United States

US Air Force airshow

Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show


Cambridge, United Kingdom

The event webpage states: "On the ground, in the air, and even in the clothes you wear! Step back into summer 1940 at the Battle of Britain Air Show and see historic Duxford come to life."



Zeltweg, Austria

The airshow website states AIRPOWER24 will have demonstrations by the Austrian Air Force and international military aerobatic squadrons and participants from civil aviation.